The 5th of September 2016 the new EHN1 extension dedicated to the Neutrino Platform has been handed over from Civil Engineering (SMB) to the final users, in order to start the installation of the detectors and the related infrastructures.
In the 16-20 months after the handover an important activity of detector and infrastructure installation is present. The installation work will be organized in work packages, which need to be coordinated, planned and centrally supported. The detectors activities will be organized as detector infrastructure installation (cryostats, clean rooms, cryogenics, computing infrastructure, … ) and then as detector components integration, testing and installation. Two very different detector technologies will be installed and operated, as part of the DUNE prototyping activities (NP02 and NP04 CERN experiments). Infrastructure and detector components will be specific in most cases to each technology. Each work package will have its own internal organization and leadership.
EHN1-Neutrino Platform Milestone Schedule
Detailed Infrastructure schedule (on Sharepoint, CERN password is needed )
How to access Neutrino Platform EHN1-Hall
EHN1 Neutrino Platform Work and Safety Organization
CENF Weekly/Daily EHN1 and Experimental Facilities Coordination Meetings
- Neutrino Platform Hall WebCams (updated every 30 min.)
- Neutrino Platform Facility Live Streaming (within CERN network). (please contact neutplatform computing support for login and password)
- For connections outside CERN domain follow this link.
Please see the website dedicated to the location.